to Inspire

Creativity is birth by mental simulated processes. All L&D professionals, teachers inclusive at all levels should be stimulated to creatively discharge their duties. At GHITECH, we use strategies to mentally stimulate L&D professionals to creatively deplore their innate abilities to discharge their duties.

to Motivate

Motivation is what moves an individual or an organization to gravitate towards a course of action, but what is motivation? At GHITECH, what drives or moves people to do certain things differently than another task is entrenched in needs and wants. Maslow hierarchy of needs plays a very crucial role in the provision of our tech-based solutions. We train people as people with emotions. We help L&D professionals to discover how to motivate their clients and sustain the motivational variable(s) when discovered.

to Guide

One of the best strategies in inculcating and inducing memorable learning is through a guide. No one learns without a guide. People are either provided with a guide to use for their learning or they create one for themselves. At GHITECH, we use both ways. We provide guides to people as well as help people to create ones for themselves.

to Train

Training requires an acquisition of practical skills needed to create disruptive gaps and impacts. At GHITECH, we help L&D professionals to create memorable, usable and useful skills relevant to their client’s businesses. We accomplish this cardinal point through facilitative strategies

to Update

We are in the fast-growing world, Knowledge is pervasive due to influx of digital technologies and this requires almost updates on a regularly basis. We need to keep abreast of the latest developments on how ‘people learning’ is evolving. At GHITECH, we constantly provide updates on latest ways, strategies and techniques of science of learning. People learn in different ways because we are wired differently. We pay close attention to creating and making. People are created differently as well as made differently. Therefore, people’s learning is always contextualized.

to Encourage

After all the dots have been crossed, people still need to be spurred to move into action, especially when desired results seem delayed. At this point, people need to be encouraged to revisit and review their strategies for possible flaws and loosed ends. At this point, GHITECH offers helps to try again. The slogan is ‘Don’t ever give up” in the face of blatant failures. Every failure is an opportunity to learn and to make giant strides. Failure is encouraged at GHITECH. We deliberately build failures into our systems.

our process

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