E-learning Consulting

The rapid growth in the use of e-learning or digital learning solutions, as being used by various institutions and corporate organizations, has created a need for experts in the field to offer professional guidance and guidelines on how to initiate the process of using e-learning or digital learning to corporate organizations and institutions that are heavily investing on digital learning or e-learning solutions. This is to address the problems associated with operational, management, administration, service rendering, recruitment and learning development structures. Using e-learning or digital learning solutions by corporate organizations and institutions should be encouraged and advanced. The following facts and figures show that digital learning or e-learning is growing by the day. The entire e-learning market today, corporate learning inclusive is worth USD 91 billion – It is forecast to grow by over 20% annually up through 2017 and 40% in 2019. The market for corporate e-learning is expected to grow 13% per year up through 2017 and much more in 2019. Well over 3,000 companies in Europe are involved in the e- learning business.

The competition and significant investment will likely give rise to major innovations in e-learning industries; 100 of India’s 140 e-learning companies were founded in the past three years. The next question should be, what are the implications of these facts and figures? The simple answer to these facts and figures is that the e-learning/digital learning phenomenon is geometrically growing by the year and more innovative companies will rise to dictate the e-learning or digital learning landscape. So, what is the next line of action to address potential problems that will arise, or some that have started rearing up their ugly heads, as a result of the influx of e-Learning or digital learning concept? The answer is, let experts in digital learning initiate the process of lending out their professional advice in order to help corporate and educational organizations manage the effects.

This has occasioned the experts to appear on the scene to offer professional advisory tips and guidelines on the best practices in the field of instructional design. This advisory service includes the appropriate strategy for implementation and the tactics to implement it. Digital learning is a system with subsystems that are working cooperatively and collaboratively to achieve the desired set objectives of organizations. It does therefore include the following domains of knowledge: Body of knowledge (Subject-matter- expert or Technical experts), Instructional design and Technology applied knowledge (TAK).

Generally, the main purposes of E-learning Consulting are to provide experts’ professional advice on best technical experts or subject- matter experts (SMEs), provide sound instructional design principles grounded in learning theories like constructivism, connectivism and learning science, and finally provide relevant technology applied knowledge as the case may be based on the needs of corporate and educational organizations. All these services will ensure the following objectives as captured below:

  • Implementation and adoption strategies for digital learning
  • learning and development optimization strategies
  • Paths-to-Performance curated learning for business, operations, ICT and management and leadership
  • Learning journey definitions and alignment for competences and skills development
  • Digital learning readiness assessments
  • Content creation, digitization and localization
  • Deployment of learning infrastructures and platforms.

E-learning Consulting at Ghitechs is therefore positioned to assist our clients by providing solutions characterized with the following features, all learning solutions would be able to achieve the following objectives

  • Improve productivity and performance
  • Save a lot of time and money
  • Improve staff satisfaction
  • Collaborate knowledge share
  • Learning promotion
  • Reduced cost of training and travelling
  • Get everyone on the same page at the same time
  • Mentoring members’ learning needs
  • Bring an organization to higher levels of excellence than ever before

E-learning consulting at Ghitechs makes a framework. The processes are wrapped up in two phases. Phase one: DID Phase and Phase two: CIE Phase. So altogether, the e-learning consulting processes are wrapped up in DID-CIE Framework.

What does this framework mean?

Check our next article. We are shall come back to explain how we do all these steps

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